November 30, 2006

My New Favorites

Okay, it's official - I have two new favorite metereologists... da da da... Glenn Zimmerman and Dave Murray. They tell it like it is and Dave even said how he doesn't want to make it a bigger deal than it is as far as snowfall totals. They are just good weather folks!

No, I am not obsessed, well just a little, but since I work from home, I do have the luxury of having a tv on in the background and no one about to walk into my office to make sure I am doing what I'm supposed to be doing. Well, unless you count tpd who walks up here about once an hour cause I think he gets bored, but I don't really care what he thinks about what I'm doing. wonder I end up working until 7pm every night and then again after babygirl goes to bed....

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