When blood drawing goes horribly wrong...
See you from St. John's tomorrow (hopefully they will have internet access... but last time it was really hit and miss - come on St. J's it's not 2006 anymore!)
DICLAIMER: Brutally honest opinions expressed about newborn babies and new mommyhood. The opinions are of the author only and in no way are meant to be a reflection of motherhood in general. Oh, and Custom Web Connections also takes no responsibility for it's employees' expressed opinions - in fact, we think the owner may even be a little crazy.
We had a little blip on the radar screen yesterday and this morning we were preparing for what might have been a tad bit of an early arrival due to some high blood pressure and headaches experienced by yours truly, but they think that's probably due to baby positioning and some condition (a big word involving hyper, but not tension) where the blood pressure jumps up and down in the last week or so leading up to delivery, so relaxation and left side laying was my prescription (not too bad, huh?).
I'm pretty excited about the May 1st date anyway (and I know my grandma is too), so I'm fine with waiting 48 more hours but, surprisingly, I was also perfectly fine going in today, too. That's so different than last time when I looked like a terrified 1st grader going to school for the first time as I'm leaving for the hospital (see terrible picture at right - face puffy and swolen from all the crying, fake smile and all) I was a week overdue, hugely uncomfortable, had just been told it was in mine and baby's best interest to induce that day and I still was not wanting to go. Now, I feel much more "let's get this show on the road" vs. "maybe the baby can just stay in me until she goes to college".
Today, I was a little late in dropping Bridget off at "school" her part-time daycare not far from our house. Tim had to go out of town so the dirty deed was left to me again. I try and get out of this drop-off thing if at all possible simply because it's so miserable. When Tim takes her I have a happy image in my head all day of her walking happily out the door, backpack in tow, waving, giving kisses and saying "bye bye". But when I take her I never know which Bridget I'm going to get. There's the "oh i'm so happy to see all my friends and go play - mommy who?" Bridget or the "why on god's green earth would you make me come to this forsaken place where they torture me all day long with song singing, artwork making and interactive play with my peers" Bridget. It's a toss up and as far as I can tell there is no predictor of which one you're going to get. Lately, it's been a little more of the torturous variety than mommy who variety. So, I prepared myself for the worse this morning. I was going to be confident, strong and not give into what was sure to be a veritable melt-down with the weaker of the two parents doing the drop off.
People, I was in control. Then I opened the door.
This is "young children's" week at school (??) and they've been doing activities all week to celebrate the younger ones. So today they brought in a story teller for Bridget's room and because I was so late, she was already mid-telling of some monkey/fairy story. Cute, right? WRONG. WRONG. WRONG.She was absolutely terrifying and she scared the hell out of...... me. She was straight out of a 1984 Punky Brewster episode - you know like the really bad ones when Punky was all "expressing" herself. I'm not exaggerating here friends, the "story teller" was a (not that this matters, but it does add to the visual) very overweight 65 year-old Punky Brewster with wings! dressed in multiple layers of bright pink, yellow, purple, and plaid pattern clothes, mismatched socks and shoes, a stuffed monkey and some god-awful hat that was luckily still "hidden" behind her back for what I can only assume was to be used in a future climatic element of the monkey fairy story.
I wanted to run out the door screaming. I quickly looked at Bridget to see her reaction and the only way I can describe it is - purely mesmerized. She was taking it all in, trying to figure out what was going on. Then I looked at the other kids, and they all were fixated on Punky, too, but not in a bad way, in a happy, clap my hands jump up and down when she tells me sort of way. Bridget actually reached out for Miss Emily to go sit on the ground and get a closer look.
Wait! No tears, no heartbreaking reaching for me as I try and kiss her goodbye - in fact, there was not even a kiss goodbye or a wave - she was just off - sitting down with her friends, and actually clapping a little as I walked out the door - not caring for a second that I was leaving.
Can you believe that? All that preparation in my head, all that stress and my daughter liked scary Punky over mommy. I almost felt a little sad or something - she just didn't care about me at all. I should have been happy that it was so smooth - but again - SCARY PUNKY?! At the very least, I was relieved to get the hell out of there before that hat went on.
but I really like this promo - I get all jittery thinking about tonight! Everything is back, PEOPLE, everything:
Earl - It's been pretty funny lately - give it a chance again!
30 Rock - Right up there with the funniest show ever
The Office - The funniest show ever
Scrubs -Last season for this classic - and a sneak peak inside my brain most days = JD
Does this new Starbucks cup freak anyone else out?
It's making me not want to get my Grande Skinny Mocha every morning... mwahhhahahaha... evil laugh... it so IS NOT making that happen, tpd.
Q. Bridget, do you like this outfit?
A. Uh-huh
Q. Bridgey, does this shirt make mommy look skinny?
A. Yeah
Q. Do you have the hottest mommy in the world? (Be sure to ask this question in the same tone as if you had just said, "Want to go to McDonald's and get french fries?")
A. Yes!
Q. Do you think mommy will look good at the shower tomorrow even though she is 8 months pregnant and as big as a house?
A. Yeah.
Q. Bridget, Daddy would want mommy to buy this outfit wouldn't he?
A. Uh-huh
I only wish I could run over to my parent's house right now and dig out a picture of my room as it stood from approximately 1988-1990 completely wallpapered with Donnie, Jordan and maybe a few group photos (but I was sooo not into Joey or Danny...bleech).
Over the course of about 4 years, I acquired practically every book, magazine, video or other item of propaganda pushed at "tweens" like myself (although we weren't called that back then) and whole heartedly wished Donnie Wahlberg would throw rocks at my window some random Tuesday night and beckon that I run away on tour with him. I'm pretty sure if I dug through my old boxes of crap treasured childhood memories I could find numerous pieces of paper where I practiced signing my name, "Erin Wahlberg" over and over just so that I was prepared.
So, in honor of Throwback Thursday, I thought we would throwback and play tribute to one of the original boy bands as they prepare to reunite. I trust you will all be watching tomorrow's Friday Concert series on the Today Show - I know I'll tune in to see 38 year old men singing "Hanging Tough" and "I'll be Loving you Forever". *Update* Apparently there is no concert today, we'll have to wait until May 16th for the actual concert...and I was so looking forward to having "Ooh...ooh..ooh..oooh...ooh... We're Hanging Tough" playing through my head all day.
Then | Now |
I think I'm going to sign up for this:
An invitation.
Earth has issues, and it's time humanity got started on a Plan B. So, starting in 2014, Virgin founder Richard Branson and Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin will be leading hundreds of users on one of the grandest adventures in human history: Project Virgle, the first permanent human colony on Mars.
Read more here.
You are funny, Google.