April 5, 2008

Top 5 Reasons to take your young toddler clothes shopping with you:

Q. Bridget, do you like this outfit?
A. Uh-huh

Q. Bridgey, does this shirt make mommy look skinny?
A. Yeah

Q. Do you have the hottest mommy in the world? (Be sure to ask this question in the same tone as if you had just said, "Want to go to McDonald's and get french fries?")
A. Yes!

Q. Do you think mommy will look good at the shower tomorrow even though she is 8 months pregnant and as big as a house?
A. Yeah.

Q. Bridget, Daddy would want mommy to buy this outfit wouldn't he?
A. Uh-huh

1 comment:

Kim said...

I love it!!!! She is just so darn cute... and by the way, you are NOT big as a house!