For a while now (8 months or so), Shane has struggled to find his own personal style.
He was initially a fan of the traditional, straight laced, comb over:

But then, between months 4-6 really got into a whole skater dude phase:

More recently, feeling a little rebellious, he experimented with this look:

And, finally after being inspired, settled on this one:

For some reason, he thinks this one gives him the most respect.
Drunk social networking moms are HI-larious! Way to rock that Aretha hat Shane!
I will have to electronically post my objection to Shaneyshane's photo shoot w/ hair styles. My poor grandson, I hope he will make it.
i liked it a lot and I think Shane will love this look as he approaches 9-10 months old.
According to his facial expression, his favorite look is the comb over.
Though I must admit, when I first saw the picture without reading the caption, I thought his hair style (comb over) was a copy of his dad's.
Very funny! Shane made me laugh out loud. ;)
R E S P E C T ...
Shane you aint' gonna get it in that hat, my young chubby friend.
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