Throwback Thursday: Self-Humiliation and Innocent Victims
Warning: This might make certain family members of mine feel really old. Apparently, it's been almost 20 years since I was in Junior High School. It's kind of hard to believe I am a LOT closer to having a child in junior high then I am to being in junior high. I think I tend to still associate with not being "that far" away from school days when in reality I am so far into adulthood and away from school days it's not even funny. Many of you might be arguing right now that my mental age is still closer, and you'd probably be right.
So, without further ado, I give you Hixson Junior High School, class of 1989. It would appear from the condition of this yearbook, that sometime in the last 20 years I was either living underwater or had a major flood in my room/basement, etc. so please excuse the condition of these scanned photos. (Remember - you can click and see enlarged versions for maximum humiliation.)P.S. Seems like PS's were big in 1989.
PPS. If you read this PPS, you're wasting your time. (Clever 8th grade humor, isn't it?)
Here it is, internet friends. You gotta love the rag top curly hair head - I think I might go back to that look. And, oh, how I loved that sweater...loved, loved, loved it. The black and white doesn't do the beautiful shade of burgundy justice. I thought it looked so good with my brown hair and eyes...
Now, for the innocent victims - current friends of mine that were also lucky enough to be in the 1989 Hixson yearbook. Isn't he too precious? Such youth, such innocence, and such a great bowl haircut...
And, finally, as I was scanning this page so I could point out the signed blue entry that reads,
"You r a great friend! And I want you to know that you're also one of my only normal ones so don't lose it on me"(Mom and dad - this must make you super proud -or terrified- at the people I hung out with!) I noticed another innocent victim was included on this page. This must have been one of only a few years we went to school together (do you remember, Innocent Victim?), but click on the picture to enlarge and look closely - you'll see who my last victim is! See, you think you're safe, but you never know when you're going to appear in Throwback Thursday!

Other names and faces were blurred to protect the truly innocent and because I don't know if I can get in trouble for posting them and lord knows I don't need that in my life. My apologies to Jeremy, you made it as an innocent first boyfriend victim - but I'm also pretty sure you don't read this blog, at least let's hope not.
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