Third time's a charm
This is the third time I've tried to write a post and everytime I publish it, Blogger eats it. Grrr...
Anyway, I wanted to give everyone a quick update for the Christmas Eve goings on at Ivy Trace. Babygirl is very excited that Santa is on his way tonight... well, maybe she isn't as much as her mommy is, but it is certainly fun. I even get that little tingly feeling like when you're a kid thinking about the magic of Christmas eve and even though she doesn't know it yet, she's helping to bring that magic back into our lives as well... I never really complete lost it, but you look at things differently with a brand new little one.
So far today we made appetizers, baked cookies and watched football. It's been a pretty good Christmas eve and it's about time to pack up the car and head to Steph and Jim's for the Delanty /Gianino /Fabry /Brennan /Ellis celebration. It promises to be as fun as always!
We officially kicked off our holiday season on Friday with a fabulous dinner and present opening time at Mom and Dads. It was awesome and fun as always.
I even have wrapped all my presents early this year. At least, that is, if you count wrapping until 2am last night early. But for me, that's amazing. One quick rant about wrapping paper - at what point did all the wrapping paper manufacturers get together and decide they needed to tape a new roll of wrapping paper in like 15 places? Isn't the complete plastic cover on the roll enough? I mean did we really need the tape, too? It drives me crazy you have to be so careful not to A) rip the paper or B) pull the paper off with the tape leaving behind only paper backing. I mean were they all sitting around at the last WPMC (wrapping paper manufacturers conference) and decided that tape was the way to go???Lastly, on one sad personal note, we'd like to recognize Buddy IV who met with an untimely demise this morning. Buddy was a good fish and he will be sorely missed by us and Buddy V. We can only hope that Buddy IV is looking down on us from that big fish bowl in the sky with Buddy's I, II, and III. We love you Buddys!
Merry Christmas to all and especially to our little magic munchkins, Matthew and Bridget - may this only be the beginning of years of magic and wonder to come for you and your mommy's and daddy's!
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