Ah... save me from my cousin's giant baby head!!!
(or something better than that hopefully...)
I realize I still owe prizes to some of my past "contest" winners, like this one (Kim was the big winner) or this one (Tara's been waiting two years for her big prize) but here's another - if you are so inclined to enter- Delanty t-shirt contest. (I mean it this time, I'm getting caught up!)
I thought this pic needed a clever caption/slogan and I'm not coming up with anything so what do you guys have, oh clever internet folk?PS - Are they not too cute or what - even my son and his GIANT towering head... see the caption possibilities are endless...
"Thanks for coming over to play favorite cousin, what's your dad doing right now?"
Look at us-we're partners in crime
Can someone get rid of this other baby? He's totally cramping my style
Here's looking at you shorty
I LOVE this picture! I don't have a quote, sorry.
"Cousin, you know what they say....See you at Hub's Pub in a few years"
"Cousin, why do you your parents let you play in outside why my parents have never let my white skin in the sun:)?"
I don't have a caption but why is Amelia pointing out people that Shane should go beat up? Nice that he's standing up for his cousin tho (look at that fist!)
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