Tim said my previous title made no sense SO, Kim, this post was for you in response to the comment you posted on the previous entry... better, tpd?
Kim, I'm glad you asked about this as I do have an opinion/something to say about this notion of the "push present". Let's start here - the def of a push present, or you can read this NYT article here. FYI - I also think, for people like me, there should be a "17 hours of labor only to have my stomach and uterus sliced open" present.
Now, my true feelings about this whole "push present" thing - besides the fact that I absolutely cannot stand the name - is that it's kind of just another way our society is "pushing" (yes, pun intended) superfluous marketing down our throats that is beyond superficial and ridiculously sickening at times, “She delivered your first born; now give her twins.” Puke, puke puke... If I look through another Parenting/Pregnancy magazine with a mom holding her newborn and smiling down at both the baby and the new big whopping piece of jewelry on her neck/finger/wrist, etc. I seriously might throw up in my mouth a little (sorry, that's totally gross, but that's how I feel about that crap marketing). Now, having said that, understand I'm not knocking the actual gift-giving if heartfelt and thoughtout, but more the baggage heaped upon it by marketers and the media. So, that being said if a husband wants to do something well meaning and as a token of his love for his wife and their burgeoning future after the birth of a baby, like say buy her one of these, or take her out to dinner here, who am I to judge?
So, Lil' G (and Michael you might want to take note, too) - I've assembled a few photos of things I think you might need now or in the very near future:
A lovely May birthstone ring for Amelia's birthstone (sorry about that whole pearl thing now Kim - didn't know you were gonna up and have the baby a WHOLE MONTH early and screw up my necklace's symbolic meaning - i'm just kidding of course - sort of)Personally this next one is a little too much for me, but hey to each their own. The mother and child necklace:
Or you could always roll Marc Anthony style with one of these:
Or, lastly, maybe you are more Keith Urban chic with one of these $73,000 gems:
Glad to help you boys (and the baby marketing industry) out.
ps - No, if you are wondering, I really don't have this much time on my hands these days.
I think only Tim didn't understand your title...
Anyway, great entry, I made Mark read it. Though, not sure if it sunk in!
I'm with you on this one, I don't agree with "push presents" but a nice "gee, honey great job" "Thanks for all you have done" token is always welcome and nice.
I don't think there's anything wrong with the gift giving. I love my earrings that Michael gave me when I had Matthew. The only nice jewelry I own besides my engagement ring. BUT - it certainly wasn't expected and I do not anticipate it being replicated.
I agree with the one comment in the NYT article too - there's already so much going on at this point in your life, does the poor guy have to add shopping for a major purchase on top of it?
Much as I DO want a new cute diaper bag...
p.s. what title does TPD think doesn't make sense? "Cheers to you Delant"? or a different title for this post?
Hmm... I was "pushing" for a band to match my wedding band that I could wear on the other side of my engagement ring (I'm telling you, it would look GREAT), but no such luck. I did get a very nice Coach purse for Mother's Day, though, so I suppose that counts!
For the huz on a budget (and as another way to give the second baby the shaft), I think this option is cute, coming in just under $100. Bonus? It's ART: http://shop.walkerart.org/?ck=PAYWKGHUVD&pk=5ACB1F23AD§ion=Product&CatalogID=235&Details=5776878&CartID=65385
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