When the room service lady almost got punched in the face...
Room service lady (aka Evil Post-Partum Mom Eating Police): "Hungry girl, aren't you? Is this all for you?"Post-partum, free-to-eat whatever I want Erin (as thought in my head): Oh, I'm sorry lady, were you woken up 6 times last night between a hungry hungry baby, percocet delivery and blood pressure readings? Do your "girls" (as they will be referred to from here on out concerning all breastfeeding posts so as to minimize my embarrassment) hurt so bad you want to cry every time they bring said baby to you? Was the only thing that kept you going during those sleepy, painful times the thought of that first Vanilla Latte and French Toast?
I didn't think so.
As actually said: "Yup, pretty hungry."
Hi Erin, Congratulations on your handsome little guy!!! I hope Laura can meet him and Bridget in June when we are in St.Louis!
I just have to say, your hospital food made my mouth water!! One of these days I need to get back into blogging and write about my Danish hospital experience. Let's just say that the food I got was comparable to prison food. Yeah...there are some good stories there :)
I wish you all the best in your first days home with your new family! Love Courtney
Why would anyone ever feel the need to comment on someone's food volume? Much less a woman's, much less a preggo, much less a recently not preggo, preggo. Pure evil, that one...
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