Part II - The part where I get two days behind cause I can't stay on task
Belize - Our friends are back in action

The "private" beach on Belize - tpd's back is not in good shape this day, especially after the crazy, local speed racer bumpy boat ride to get to this private Belizian island.
The "private" beach on Belize - tpd's back is not in good shape this day, especially after the crazy, local speed racer bumpy boat ride to get to this private Belizian island.
tpd assures he is in the BACK of the boat for the ride back to the mainland. it was actually really cool being in the back and we even saw a big manatee.
the water color here is simply unbeliezable.
"i want to go to there."- Tina Faye
The water WAS unbelizable. So were our fak-coach bags. And so was being upright for 24 hrs after puking and being unable to move for the prior. Ah, Belize, we hardly knew ya!
ok I am taking a selfish but great comfort in the fact that the series has NOT progressed since I last read your blog. April was just ... well, don't know where it went. And see, little babies - when you hide your eyes - things DON'T happen until you look back! woo hoo!
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