Sunday Dreaming
Things I would like to do/should do today:
- Finish uploading the expired Froogle feed for all my CP shops.
- Work on my new Organic Baby onesies for the wholesale accounts.
- Print t-shirts for personalized orders, Volleyball team and for fun.
- Work on the little bow project I started 6 months ago and never finished.
- Make the cute little newborn bows for Baby Rachel
- MAKE A DAMN DECISION on Halloween costumes
- Go to Target and stock up on those cute $1 Sesame Street pony holders, they look so good in my hair.
- Finally fix the letters in Shane's room so they look cute and not like a drunk person (or at
least sleep deprived) was in charge of decorating his room four weeks after he was born.
- Finally read these two magazines so I can feel somewhat more educated
- Clean carpets (just added after looking at that picture)
- Compose a highly spiritual and deep post about Baptism.
- Compose a highly intellectual and deep post about Politics
- Delete aforementioned posts after deciding they are too controversial
- Beat the Ratbombs at FF.
- Watch 8 games of football at once with my NFL Game Mix channel.
- Take a nap
- Take a shower
- Go to Lowe's and buy mums
- Plant mums
- Work out with my WII fit
- Replace all the fake families in my frames with actual family
- Eat terrible-for-you food and not feel guilty during and after
- Put the 19 + laundry baskets overflowing with clothes away
FinishStart thank you notes from both Shane's BIRTH and Baptism- Spend time doing something fun with kids outside on gorgeous Fall day
- Plan a vacation
- Hang fallish looking thing on door in place of still hanging 4th of July
FinishStart Bridget's baby book
Things that have a small percentage of probability that they might actually get accomplished: #'s 15, 16 and 22 (minus the not feeling guilty party)
1 comment:
Boy can I relate, Your list is almost crazy as the one I had in my head yesterday, that I ended up scaling down to "grocery store and post office" and that was WITH Libby over to babysit.
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