Officially Overdue!
Well, I am officially overdue, but there are still plenty of pool dates left, so those of you with later days are looking good.
Everything is fine with mom (besides getting really anxious) and baby, we did a monitoring test on Friday and the baby passed with flying colors, so he or she is good to stay put a while longer. They think my due date may have been a little off anyway, so we are just going to hang out for a while.
Will post an update should conditions change. Here is a picture of me today. Sorry, I'm a little bored, so I thought I would document my overdueness in a photo (very au natural - sans makeup!)
The flowers are from TPD. He brought me them last night because; 1) he knows how hard all the waiting is, and 2) he got to play golf while his 2day overdue pregnant wife piddled around all day.
Stay tuned!