April 23, 2008

This is what happens a week before your new baby arrives...
Even when you don't "officially" know if it's a boy or a girl.

What are all these clothes for Mom?
For your new baby brother, Bridget...

Could these be any cuter? You can't even see the little palm trees on the side.
Just a little something for the hospital after that,
all clothes are courtesy of Boutique Matthew.
Guess which one babygirl liked best?

I shall call this one: Artsy Turtle

For the official record, I have no idea if we are having a boy or a girl.
For the unofficial record, I know we are having a boy.

What do you think?


Aimee said...


I also think I LOVE your new site look. Good job, Momma!

I cannot wait wait wait to dig out the sweet boy clothes I have. And trade for the AWESOME girl clothes I KNOW you have.

mcdelanty said...

i also know it is a boy. super cute pictures. can't wait to see bridgey's reaction....

Kim said...

Ohhhh those clothes are going to come in handy!!!!! I can't wait to meet my new nephew!

As you can see my vote is for boy, but if it's a girl, I can't wait to meet her either.

Those pics are adorable, as always, but keep 'em coming!

Hope you're feeling well!