Most of all I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling my whole life the way I feel when I'm with you....
Okay, girlies... you all know where is that line from, right? Was I the only major Dirty Dancing fan out there?
Tonight I'm being taken back 20 years ago to 1987. How is it that I can remember 20 years ago? That is strange enough in and of itself, but I digress. 1987 - what a simpler time, I was 12 years old and nothing mattered in life but butterfly t-shirts (I'll have to explain that one another blog time) and giggling with friends about which boy in my neighborhood was cutest (my neighborhood was freakishly overrun with boys 1-2 years older than me and hardly a girl in sight).So watching this movie totally brings me back. I'm guessing a lot of us felt the same, but this was my absolute favorite. I had Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Gray posters all over my walls (in fact I had the poster you see here), the cassettes, I reenacted the famous "come here loverboy" scene in my pre-teen bedroom 100's of times, I pretended that I was Baby and that Johnny was really in love with me. Remember that song - She's like the wind? Ugh... and I really loved that, too...
Anyway, the sickest part of all of this is that I just found out (thanks IMDB) that Patrick Swayze is 55 years old. Making him 35 in that movie meaning a 35 year old was shacking up with a 17 year old? Yuk - totally took some of it away not to mention that now when I look at Baby's father all I see is Lenny from Law and Order cracking some stupid dead guy joke at the beginning of the show, we do miss you, though Lenny!
I gotta say, I love my husband, I love my baby, I love my dogs, but man do I love being able to sit home by myself on a Saturday night and watch my kind of movies! It's amazing how a movie or a song can take you back to a completely different time in your life - how in that brief fleeing moment you can remember exactly how you felt exactly at that time in your life and that's [usually] an awesome thing.
Okay, enough reminiscing...I'm going to snap out of it and get back to 2007. So, again, in a miserable attempt to try and elicit more comments from my blog readers, how did you guys feel about this movie? Love it/hate it/favorite/stupidest moments, etc...
Remember girls, nobody puts baby in the corner.
I love Dirty Dancing! I didn't know you liked it because the Delanty's all make fun of me for liking Patrick Swayze and Dirty Dancing. When I was little my cousin had the soundtrack and when we would go to the country we would put a big log on rocks and did the "lover boy" dance.
I was not as obsessed with it at the time. But my love has grown over the years. Never ever will I flip past it. I certainly was impressed with Baby's ability to dance on a log. And I did love the scene of him crawling to her in the dance studio, air guitar and all. Though now I watch it with a fairly high level of discomfort (but I do watch it).
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