May 8, 2008

God, thank you for not choosing Ann Curry

After an incredibly hectic morning (not enough time right now to even begin to describe this morning) we finally get things settled down and Shane and I set up for breakfast - hey, if he's gonna eat, you better believe I am too - I flip on the tv to the very beginning of a segment entitled, "How do you handle change?". A full 5 minutes devoted to working on change in life and dealing with the first 30 days and how that time period makes the biggest difference in how you are effected with the change. It was a pretty good segment with some good advice.

I guess it's true what they say - God works in mysterious ways, and in this case it was right through Al Roker. Thanks God and thanks Al, I needed that little boost this morning.


Courtney said...

Hey, I saw that too...all the way over here in Denmark! I have this cool gadget on my computer called Slingbox that lets me watch american tv real time on my computer. So, it was dinner time for Laura and I turned the Today show on for that same segment! I agree with the SEED theory for sure...especially the sleep and eat part :) Court

Aimee said...

This sounds good, wish I'd seen it. I am starting to feel the tears springing up whenever I think about really truly moving from our little house. Guess that falls under the "dealing with change" category, eh?