January 1, 2008

Peachies for me and peachies for you...

No long post for right now, too tired and not enough time to recap 2007 in the true fashion it deserves, but just a quick note to say Happy New Year to all! It was a fun celebration last night, even if some of us went and got ourselves knocked up and couldn't imbibe in the beverages as much as we would have liked - hey, at least the boys will owe us next year!

I wish you all many more fun times with good friends and family in 2008 -
is there really anything else? Love to all!

And to Mr. Homeboy (currently sacked out on the couch as I write this) I hope your favorite day of the year, was everything you look forward to all year long and more...

PS - Kids, don't try this at home, he's a trained professional...
Sort of...

Happy New Year!

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